Customer Testimonials

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for the fantastic charm you sent us. It arrived in plenty of time for my wife's birthday and she just adores it. I think the charm is beautiful and we are very pleased with it. If you ever need someone as a reference for your work, we would be honored to act as a reference for your company.
Your work is fantastic and we will not hesitate to use your services again in the future.

Brian Shagan

Hi Allen!
Just a quick note to say I received this beautiful photo charm today! It came out amazing and it really is a substantial quality piece! Nicer than any other photo charms I have seen. I especially like the crystal over the top. I really am thrilled. What great gifts these would make! I am also impressed with the excellent FAST service!

Thank you so much! A truly satisfied customer
~Kim Meritai

Last year I purchased a laser photo charm from your company and have recommend your site to about 15 people on the street alone!!!! My sister in law just received her charm from you and once again, it is absolutely gorgeous! She has recommended five people in her office. I just want to say keep up the great work and excellent fast service and I will continue to recommend your work and your site.

Thanks again.
Dana Witham in New Jersey

We have had two pieces done so far by Aphotocharm, and they are both lovely. Looking forward to placing future orders.


Hi Allan:

I received my pendant yesterday. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much for doing such a good job. I got a lot of compliments.

Mabel mlcrmc

I have ordered two pendants from you and really love them. I am telling all my twin mom friends about the charms! Thanks again, and hopefully you will receive some orders from my friends soon.

Carey McCarthy, California

Thank you for the beautiful job you did on my charm. It will be one of my most treasured items. Thank you also for the consideration & understanding which you gave me.

Adeline Wolniewicz (Dec 5, 2002)